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Roadtrip in Sweden - The gates to Sarek

In September, we took a road trip in a rental van and drove across Sweden. We covered about 3,000 kilometers and visited 4 National Parks!

Ahead of us was the longest stretch of road we had on this trip. After driving a good amount at night, we had to stop as the rain was falling hard and the visibility was terrible. The next day was a full day of driving. A bridge closure in Strömsund even forced us to take a detour through a pretty sketchy dirt road for our rental van. The weather wasn't great and it rained all day, perfect timing for this long drive, we probably wouldn't have done much anyway!

We parked the van by a lake just past Jokkmokk. At this point we had crossed the Artic Circle, we were trully in Lapland! After enjoying breakfast by the lake, it was time to reach the gates of Sarek and the great North I had dreamt of for so long. We drove to Kvikkjokk and explored the surroundings.

We then set off to climb Sjnjierak Mountain to get a better view. The lush forest soon turned into a colorful tundra and revealed the views over the peaks of Sarek and around. It was breathtaking, everything I had imagined and so much more. The wind was strong and brutally cold. So strong that we could see the snow falling miles away on the mountains, and yet despite the blue skies above us, feel snow flakes on our faces. We stood there a moment fighting the cold and took photos.

We then ran back to the cabin we had passed earlier on the trail to find shelter anb to take it all in. I was still there, and I already knew I would be coming back...


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